
Heritage, visit, Museum in Normandy

    Museums and exhibitions
    It is the emphasising of art and of culture. Museums in permanent or temporary exhibitions, here is so many choices allowing you to open in classical or contemporary art. Many thematic museums are to discover, they pay tribute to a job, a site or to a character.
44 in Normandy.
Register your touristic spot in Normandy it's free (in French)
picture of Musée des instruments à vent
  • Low season of 1€ to 4€
  • Average season of 1€ to 4€
  • High season of 1€ to 4€
  • School holidays of 1€ to 4€

Museum in La Couture-Boussey

Musée des instruments à vent

La Couture-Boussey Place de l'Eglise 27750 La Couture-Boussey (Eure)
Phone : 02 32 36 28 80
Découvrez l'histoire des facteurs d'instruments de musique qui ont fait la renommée de la région de La Couture-Boussey depuis le XVIIème siècle ; voyagez au coeur des collections de hautbois, ...
picture of Le Village Enchanté des Automates
  • **Tourisme-Entrée enfant**
  • **Tourisme-Entrée**

Museum in Saint-Aubin-des-Hayes

Le Village Enchanté des Automates

Marie El Kouby Le Clos des Hayes-27410 27410 Saint-Aubin-des-Hayes (Eure)
Phone : 02 32 44 58 08

Museum in Villers-sur-Mer

Exposition "Douceur de vivre"

Jacqueline Pasero 26 rue du Général de Gaulle 14640 Villers-sur-Mer (Calvados)
Phone : 02 31 14 51 65

Museum in Flers

Art contemporainet danse contemporaine

2angles 11 rue Schnetz 61100 Flers (Orne)
Phone : 02 33 64 29 51
Fine art .artist residency. open Wenesday, saturday and sunday . 2h30 pm to 6h pm.
picture of Ecomusée de la Baie -  Vains
  • **Tourisme-Entrée de x a y**
  • **Tourisme-Entrée enfant de x a y**

Museum in Vains

Ecomusée de la Baie - Vains

Jean-Yves Cocaign Route du Grouin du Sud 50300 Vains (Manche)
Phone : 02 33 89 06 06  - Fax : 02 33 89 06 07
The Maison de la Baie is an interpretative centre. It simply stands on the shore overlooking one of France's most famous sight : the bay of the Mont-Saint-Michel and the abbey.
Inside the ancient ...

Museum in Fermanville

Fort du Cap Levi

I. Frémont 7, le Cap Levi 50840 Fermanville (Manche)
Phone : 02 33 23 68 68  - Fax : 02 33 23 68 69
Set in a very picturesque cove, a step away from the port of Cherbourg, the early 19th century fort was built to protect the coast from English invaders!
When travelling to and from the Cherbourg ...
picture of Batterie d'Azeville
  • **Tourisme-Entrée**
  • **Tourisme-Entrée enfant**

Museum in Azeville

Batterie d'Azeville

Claire PONS La rue 50310 Azeville (Manche)
Phone : 02 33 40 63 05  - Fax : 02 33 40 63 06
Throughout the night of the 5th/6th june 1944, the Azeville Gun Battery came under heavy attack from American paratroopers. But early in the morning it was able to join the action against the landings ...

Museum in Ger

Parc-musée du granit

Le Guen Gildas Le bourg 50850 Ger (Manche)
Phone : 02 33 59 02 22  - Fax : 02 33 79 35 45
A walk in a park-museum, set on the slopes of the village of Saint-Michel de Montjoie. The village was built on the counter forts of a granitic ridge. Since several generations a splendid blue granite ...
Register your touristic spot in Normandy it's free (in French)