dal 04 giugno 2011 al 06 giugno 2011M. Office de tourisme de Bayeux
14400 Bayeux
(Calvados)Bayeux et le Bessin
Tel : 02 31 51 28 28
http://www.bessin-normandie.comOn the 67th anniversary of the allied landings, the D-DAY Festival Normandy 2011 is the opportunity for locals and visitors alike to celebrate freedom. Several key events will take place in Longues-sur-Mer, Bayeux, Arromanches, Sainte-Mère-Eglise, Carentan, Omaha Beach, from 4th to 7th of June 2011. For the 5th edition of the festival, this selection of major celebrations around the mythical D-Day beaches will complete the usual programme. Free and open to all!