
Patrimonio da  visitare , Castelli, monumenti in Normandie

    Castles and Monuments
    Castles are historic heights-places, they allow to dive back into the universe of the Lords who lived there. Some of these monuments, as fortresses, symbol of power and power, are often marked by the wars of the Middle Ages. Others, as the castles of sailing are much more stylized and testify of the refinement of the Renaissance.
28 in Normandie.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Normandie é gratuito

Castelli, monumenti a Duclair

Château du Taillis

NAVARRO Château du Taillis 76480 Duclair (Seine-Maritime)
Tel : 06 83 82 22 89
Chateau du taillis was built around 1530 in the style of the Italian Renaissance. The sculpted façade includes coats of arms as well as niches and pilasters. The central body was enlarged in the ...
foto di Château de Beaumesnil
  • Bassa stagione 0€ a 7€
  • Media stagione 0€ a 7€
  • Alta stagione 0€ a 7€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 0€ a 7€

Castelli, monumenti a Beaumesnil

Château de Beaumesnil

Fondation Fürstenberg-Beaumesnil Rue des forges 27410 Beaumesnil (Eure)
Tel : 02 32 44 40 09
Grande étape normande de loisirs et de culture, le château de Beaumesnil, situé dans l'Eure, est un chef d'oeuvre d'architecture Louis XIII, classé monument historique.

Laissez vous guider ...
foto di Château du Buisson de May
  • Alta stagione 5€ a 8€

Castelli, monumenti a Saint-Aquilin-de-Pacy

Château du Buisson de May

François Servant Route Nationale 13, 27120 Saint Aquilin de Pacy 27120 Saint-Aquilin-de-Pacy (Eure)
Tel : 06 68 99 29 51

Castelli, monumenti a Saint-Pierre-du-Mesnil

Festival des Arts du Spectacle et du Cirque

ASPROB blancbuisson 27330 Saint-Pierre-du-Mesnil (Eure)
Tel : 02 32 46 45 68
Per la 2a edizione di questo Festival, la sede è previsto dal 7 al 9 giugno 2013, e scoprire un luogo unico e prestigioso performing arts professioni: accampamenti medievali, animatori, magia, circo, ...

Castelli, monumenti a Blainville-Crevon

Le château de Blainville

Jérôme Benet 76116 Blainville-Crevon 76116 Blainville-Crevon (Seine-Maritime)
Tel : 02 35 34 24 82  - Cellulare : 06 14 37 23 67
foto di Chateau de Fleury la foret
  • Bassa stagione 78€ a 120€
  • Media stagione 78€ a 120€
  • Alta stagione 78€ a 120€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 78€ a 120€

Castelli, monumenti a Fleury-la-Forêt

Chateau de Fleury la foret

Pierre CAFFIN LE Chateau 27480 Fleury-la-Forêt (Eure)
Tel : 02 32 49 63 91
Visite guidées des pièces meublées du Chateau de Fleury; salons, bureaux,cuisines, chambres.....
et aussi d'une belle collection de poupées anciennes.
Parc à la Française
foto di Musée et Jardins du Château de Vendeuvre
  • Alta stagione 7€ a 10€
  • Ristorante Menu 20 a 26 €

Castelli, monumenti a Vendeuvre

Musée et Jardins du Château de Vendeuvre

Alexandre de Vendeuvre Château de Vendeuvre 14170 Vendeuvre (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 40 93 83  - Fax : 02 31 40 11 11

Castelli, monumenti a Crèvecœur-en-Auge

Château de Crèvecoeur

Château de Crèvecoeur D 613 14340 CrèvecÅ“ur-en-Auge (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 63 02 45  - Fax : 02 31 63 05 96
A unique example of a small French castle that has been miraculously preserved, Crèvecœur has survived to this day, practically intact.

The inner bailey is protected by the moat, the motte and ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Normandie é gratuito