Alloggiamenti, affitti , Camere in famiglia dans le Calvados
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Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans le Calvados é gratuito
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Bassa stagione 70€ a 120€
Media stagione 70€ a 120€
Alta stagione 70€ a 120€
Vacanze scolastiche 70€ a 120€
Anne-Marie Poisson
Manoir de Crépon 1 rue du calvaire
14480 Crépon
Tel : 02 31 22 21 27
- Fax : 02 31 22 88 80
- Cellulare : 06 14 10 91 74
Welcome inside the heart of a small Normandy village.
In this elegant and very charming manor of the 18th century, Miss Poisson will welcome you all year long to make your stay a very special one.
Each room has his own style and his own story to tell.
Confort is the main word in these charming rooms.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans le Calvados é gratuito