
Verblijf, Verhuur, Hotel in de Normandie

    Remarkable houses where get involved luxury and refinement, in the inns of charm where the frame is authentic and warm, you will find the accommodation about which you dream for a perfect stay. That they are situated in city or more in countryside, hotels ally comfort, well-being and sense of the reception.
19 in de Normandie.
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  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**

Hotel in La Rivière-Saint-Sauveur

Motel les bleuets

L'HOSPITALIER La rivière St Sauveur 14600 La Rivière-Saint-Sauveur (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 81 63 90  - Fax : 02 31 89 92 12
Motel situated at 1.5Km from the city center of Honfleur.
You have spacious and comfortables rooms for 2p, 3p and family rooms for 4 and 5p.
Individual terrace ,free, private and secure parking.
in ...
  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
Foto Rouen
  • Laagseizoen 52€ naar 75€
  • Hoogseizoen 54€ naar 80€
  • **Tourisme-Petit déjeuné de x a y**

Hotel in Rouen


HOTEL DE PARIS 12 rue Champmeslé 76000 Rouen (Seine-Maritime)
Tel : 02 35 70 09 26  - Fax : 02 35 88 44 72
On the right shore of La Seine, very close to the Cathedral, Gros Horloge, the Hôtel de Paris offers all the charm of traditional hotel business in the heart of Rouen.

Hotel in Honfleur

Hôtel du Dauphin

Mme LEVIELS 10 place Berthelot 14600 Honfleur (Calvados)
Tel : 02 31 89 15 53  - Fax : 02 31 89 92 06
In the historic heart of the town you'll find a very charming hotel in one of those superb 17th-c wood & slate houses: the Hotel du Dauphin, The mellow ambience of yesteryear is never betrayed by all ...
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