
прикладное искусство , прикладное искусство в Нормандия

    Arts and Crafts
    Meeting with fascinated craftsmen and artists talented height. They express their know-how through unique works according to their imagination and to their inspiration. For the public, the result is always a pleasant surprise... Only for the pleasure of your eyes!
27 в Нормандия.
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прикладное искусство в Évreux


телефон : 02 32 26 91 16

прикладное искусство в Condé-sur-Sarthe

Atelier Porcelaine et Verre

Mme LEFROU Evelyne 6 rue des Brosses 61250 Condé-sur-Sarthe (Orne)
телефон : 06 24 79 02 24  - факс : 02 33 31 91 69  - сотовый телефон : 06 84 72 50 69

прикладное искусство в Ardouval

Les bijoux de Nanou

Anaelle GRIGNON 1052 route de l'église 76680 Ardouval (Seine-Maritime)
телефон : 02 38 93 08 96  - факс : 02 38 93 08 96
Do you want an authentic jewel ?

Come and visit my blog : http://bijouxdenanou.canalblog.com

You can buy jewels by paypal.

If they are available now, you will receive your order at home.

прикладное искусство в Banneville-sur-Ajon

Couleur Bois

Marylene Renou le bourg 14260 Banneville-sur-Ajon (Calvados)
телефон : 02 31 77 73 93
The Color Workshop Wood Located in the heart of a pretty little town, marylene you to discover his workshop and his craft in beech and poplar. Luster, fathom, night, coat hangers .... full of pretty ...

прикладное искусство в Verneuil-sur-Avre

creation de bijoux et accessoires de mode Hiboo

Melissa DIOLOT 60 rue saint jean 27130 Verneuil sur avre 27130 Verneuil-sur-Avre (Eure)
телефон : 06 01 75 83 29

прикладное искусство в Vernon

Mosaique : ATELIER 21

DE SA MOREIRA 21 rue Bouquet 27200 Vernon (Eure)
телефон : 06 12 30 18 93
Training course and course of mosaic in a cool atmospher. Intiation with ceramic tiles and marble. Creation single of tables and objects into mosaic. Interior decorations and exterieures
Tarif : ...

прикладное искусство в Calleville

Les Têtes de la Ferme du Parc

Severine Terrasse - Petrowsky 10 chemin du parc 27800 Calleville (Eure)
телефон : 06 82 32 15 25
, я учился фотографии в Камбре и Париже, за несколько лет и тогда я повернулся к изображению. Тащили мои гетры ...

прикладное искусство в Fontaine-l'Abbé

Le Petit Scraperon Jaune!

Lafontaine-Leprêtre Audrey "Prolix" Le Grand Chesnay / 477, Rue des Chênes 27300 Fontaine-l'Abbé (Eure)
телефон : 06 82 16 54 92
Artist. Painter. "Prolix".
seen too on
Travel logs. Memories album. Scrapbooks.

American scrapbooking. Scrapbooking & crafts teacher.

Art exhibitions since 1995. ...
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